1st Kinsmen Club of Hespeler
Almost from its earliest days, our community has been blessed with caring individuals that had one common vision; to improve the living experience in Hespeler. These individuals formed themselves into many various fraternal associations and service clubs; Orange Lodge, Masonic Temple, I.O.O.F., Kinsmen Club, Rotary Club and Optimist Club are some widely known.
Kin Canada was founded by Hal Rogers on Feb. 20, 1920 in Hamilton Ontario, as a young businessman’s service club. Kin Canada has become the nation’s largest all-Canadian service club organization. Kinsmen, Kinette and Kin clubs across the country work to better their communities, enhance the well-being of Canadians and improve the environment. The Association boasts a proud history dedicated to fostering life-long friendships while ‘Serving the Community’s Greatest Need.’ Volunteer members impact their communities through service, leadership, fellowship, and personal development while demonstrating the values of excellence, pride, integrity, inclusiveness and compassion.
The 1st. Hespeler Kinsmen Club received their charter in 1937, with twenty-four charter members and Dr. Hugh Smith elected 1st. President. A Kin wives club, the Hespeler Kinettes was later formed in support of the Kinsmen.
From its beginning the Hespeler club was very active; identifying the need for a Scout House building, the club set about fund-raising to fill that need. Unfortunately, the Second World War intervened and the Kinsmen turned their attention to joining the “Milk for Britain” program (thousands of pounds of powdered milk were shipped overseas for British children) as well as collecting salvage & scrap metal for the war effort.
Milk for Britain program display
In 1945, the Kinsmen partnered with other volunteers to construct the Children’s Wading Pool in Forbes Park, enjoyed by hundreds over the years. They also sponsored our town’s Summer Playground Program.
Forbes Park wading pool
Following the war, the original project was resumed cumulating in 1947 with the building of the Kin Scout Hall in Forbes Park. For over 35 years Hespeler’s scouting youth met there, then ownership of the Kin Scout Hall moved to the City of Cambridge with amalgamation in 1973. It is now used as base for the City’s Summer Playground Program.
Kin Scout hall
The Kinsmen also provided a large monetary donation, (as well as volunteer manpower), to the building of the Hespeler Memorial Arena in 1947, while also providing major funding for the artificial ice equipment fund.
Helping with funding of the Hespeler Memorial Arena. 1947.
The Kinsmen then turned their attention to providing free Dental Clinics and Vision Examinations for children in partnership with the Hespeler Public School Board. In order to support their moto of “Serving the Communities Greatest Need”, major fund-raising events were held. The annual “Hespeler Kinsmen Karnival” was held each summer in Forbes Park with thousands in attendance. The event featured a large Stage Show as the main attraction. As well, “Casino Nites” were held in the Kin Scout Hall. These well attended events required the purchase of “phony money” used to bet at the various gaming tables & wheels. Other major fund-raising events included walk-a-thons, draws and raffles.
The Hespeler Kinsmen Club met bi-weekly, alternating between dinner meetings and business meetings. In the mid 60s – 70s, dinner meetings were held at the Tien Sun Restaurant and/or the Hespeler Holiday Inn. During this time, they also established a Kinsmen Club Room on Queen St. West, as home for their activities, and where business meetings could be held.
The City of Cambridge came into being in 1973 and forced a tough decision on the Hespeler Kinsmen. The smallest of the three Kinsmen clubs operating in the newly formed City, it was feeling pressure to amalgamate with the other, bigger clubs, membership was falling and recruiting was stalled. Faced with this reality, the 1st. Kinsmen Club of Hespeler surrendered its charter in 1975. (A brief attempt to form a 2nd. Kinsmen Club of Hespeler was launched in the 1980s failed after a couple of years).
The last unofficial meeting of the 1st. Kinsmen Club of Hespeler took place at the Hespeler Holiday Inn on Friday July 5th, 1996, when a Reunion Dinner & Dance was held during the Great Hespeler Reunion. Nearly fifty former members and spouses attended to see old friends, enjoy the fellowship and remember the good times!