Late at the Log Cabin

It was the summer of 1963 and life was great for a young man! I was blessed to have a good paying job at Simplicity Products Ltd., an apartment in Hespeler and a white-on-blue 1956 Meteor (my pride-in-joy) to cruise the streets of Galt, Preston & Hespeler.
On the occasions when I was fortunate to convince a young lady to spent an evening with me, our date usually consisted of a movie at the Sunset Drive-in Theatre, followed by a late snack at the Log Cabin on Hespeler Road (two-lane at that time) before delivering her home.
On this weekday evening, the movie had run late due to some projection problem and therefore I cruised into the Log Cabin as most customers were leaving and the lights were going down. I was acquainted with Mrs. Harold Peeler of Henderson St. (“Mother” as the carhops referred to her), and her van was still in the lot, an indication that we weren’t too late for service.
Following the proper procedure, I left my car lights on and waited, but to no avail as a carhop didn’t immediately appear. I sounded my horn for service, and after a couple blasts, a carhop I was unfamiliar with came out and took our order. She may well have been working her first shift because she proceeded to inform me that they were closing and certain items would be unavailable because the French fryer had already been turned off. My reply was; “that was not a problem, as we were only interested in two of their “fabulous” Banquet Burgers and two Chocolate Milkshakes.”
A short time later, our carhop approached with a milkshake in each hand and a wax-paper wrapped Banquet Burger under each arm! I immediately inquired as to our car window tray and was informed that they were being washed! She smiled and snidely said she was keeping the burgers hot for us …… to that I responded, “I was glad I had not ordered a Hot Dog”!
You have to go back a long way to remember the Log Cabin. I do not even remember if there was a eat in section. I believe you could walk up and order food. They had the large willow trees in their parking area also. The food was always adaquet and there were some great cars that hung out there. Eventually like all the old haunts it was swallowed up by progress…..
Bob and I spent many dates at the Sunset Drivein and Log Cabin eatery. Their foot long hot dogs were legend. Those were the days!